
  • I agree to the Prize Terms and Conditions.

  • We will process your information for purposes such as direct marketing, ID protection & tracing purposes and profiling, which are in our Legitimate Intersest

    Theses Legitimate business purposesrelate to the following activities:
    Direct Marketing -
    Postal and telephone marketing by both DYB and other third parties, but in either case communications will be in relation to products or services which we believe may be of interest to you based upon information which you have provided us.
    Profiling - We will profile your information for marketing purposes to help our clients deliver marketing communication that is more relevant to you (for more information, please refer to the profiling section)
    ID Protection & Tracing - This is in relation to appropriate agencies which we have listed below which could help protect your identity and prevent fraud.
    For more information, read our Privacy Policy .

    This means that your information will be shared with marketing service providers, credit reference agencies and third parties in specific industry sectors.

    Marketing Services Providers collect data from data collectors such as ourselves. They will profile you by combining the data we share with information they receive from other sources to help organisations better understand their customers and find others like them. This helps their clients tailor products and services to best suit your needs. This also helps to check the accuracy of the data they hold about you, and ensure it is up-to-date (known as “validation”). They will then share your data with third parties for direct marketing purposes. For further details, please see Marketing Services Providers section of our Privacy Policy .
    Sectors include; automotive, charity, gaming, leisure, finance, insurance, health / mobility, home improvements, Wills, funeral plans, mail order, market research, media, retail, telecoms, travel and utilities. For more information, read our Privacy Policy .

    I also consent to receiving marketing communication from DYB (including

    You are never obliged to complete a marketing survey. If you do, you can opt-out from these communications at anytime by contacting our compliance department.

    To withdraw your consent or exercise any of your individual rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer via:
    Post: DYB Leads, 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, England, WC2H 9JQ
    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +441264980000
    To enter the prize draw without sharing your information for marketing purposes, please send your details marked ‘’ to the compliance department.
    I have read and understood the Privacy Policy.